
So, here I am, a 'Wandering Scientist'!
This wasn't really part of the plan if I'm honest.... When I was at school, and people asked what I wanted to do with my life, this would not have been the first thing on my list...... That said, neither would it have been the last thing on my list. At the time, I was not aware that there would be possibilities in the future to work in such a flexible way without having a "proper" job.
The purpose of this blog is to act as a vent for my frequent ramblings, to document the successes (and inevitable failures) of my progress starting out on this Freelancing adventure, and possibly to offer some insight to others who may be considering a similar non-conformist career path.

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Bang Goes The Theory - The Best Job Ever for a Wandering Scientist!

I have been a wandering scientist (as well as a wondering scientist, which all scientists are by default) for a year now, but I have been wandering within a fairly narrow geographical area, taking work as and when it comes my way. Today, I got the news I have been waiting for. The confirmation that I will be able to spread my love of science further afield. I am going to be part of a bona fide science roadshow!!

Thanks to an old (sorry, a former – she’s not actually old herself!) colleaugue at the Lincolnshire &Rutland EBP I have landed possibly the coolest job that I could ever have wished for.

I will be working as a science busker for the BBC show Bang Goes The Theory on their live tour of the UK!

The tour will take in four cities across the UKBirmingham, Edinborough, Sheffield (my old stomping ground) and Poole (Dorset) between March and June. Each event will be filled with sciency fun and frolics, and I will be a part of that! I may only be a small part, but I will do my darndest to make sure that whatever I am demonstrating, and whoever I am  demonstrating it to, the members of the public who meet me leave with a little more knowledge, and a lot more curiosity and enthusiasm about all things scientific!