
So, here I am, a 'Wandering Scientist'!
This wasn't really part of the plan if I'm honest.... When I was at school, and people asked what I wanted to do with my life, this would not have been the first thing on my list...... That said, neither would it have been the last thing on my list. At the time, I was not aware that there would be possibilities in the future to work in such a flexible way without having a "proper" job.
The purpose of this blog is to act as a vent for my frequent ramblings, to document the successes (and inevitable failures) of my progress starting out on this Freelancing adventure, and possibly to offer some insight to others who may be considering a similar non-conformist career path.

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

AAAARRRGHHHHH!!! The Exams are Coming!! Top Ten Tips for Exam Success.

As exam season approaches, teachers and students across the country are feeling increasing levels of stress… This is understandable, as exams are a big deal, but there’s no need to panic!

Revision is ultimately down to the individual – No-one can learn stuff for you, so you need to be as prepared as possible.

Good exam technique, however, can give you an edge, and could gain you the extra few marks that push you up over a grade boundary.

I have experienced exams from all possible perspectives – as a student, as a teacher, and as an examiner. My current focus is GCSE science but I’m sure the following advice applies to most subjects, at any level (including University!) for any paper with a combination of short and long answers.

Here are my “Top Ten Tips”:

Don’t just skim read the question and latch on to a key word… That may put you onto the wrong track… Read each question carefully, and make sure that you understand what they’re asking.

2. Write Clearly in the Space Provided.
If your answer is correct, but the examiner can’t read it, they can’t give you a mark! Also keep your answer within the space given on the paper – Nowadays exam papers are scanned to be sent to examiners electronically, so if your answer isn’t within the area that gets scanned the examiner won’t even see it!

3. Allow Yourself About 1 Minute Per Mark.
A munute doesn’t sound like long when you have to read the question, think about your answer, and then write your answer down, but actually it should be plenty of time, so don’t panic! (If you’re doubting that 1 minute is actually quite a long time, just try holding your breath for 60 seconds… It seems like ages!) Also remember that lots of exam papers group questions together, so the same information that you need to read through can be used for several answers, which saves you time.

4. Use the Information Provided.
If the question says “Use the information in the table to support your answer”… Guess what?.. They want you to USE THE INFORMATION IN THE TABLE!! (see 1 - RTBQ!) That means you actually need to include information / data from the question in your answer – You will definitely drop marks if you don’t do this!
Also, don’t assume that pictures are there just to make the paper look pretty. Often there is a lot of information in pictures and illustrations that can help you to work out the answer.

5. Don’t Re-state the Question.
You have limited time and space (see 3), so don’t waste either by repeating the question in your answer!
For example, if the question says “Why did Mary have a little lamb?” your answer doesn’t need to start “Mary had a little lamb because…”
“She was a shepherd” will do fine – The examiners know what the questions are!
Keep your answers short and to the point.

6. If You Don’t Know the Answer – Leave it! (but don’t forget to come back to it later if you have time at the end!)
Time is precious (see 3). Don’t spend ages staring at a question and hoping the answer will pop into your head, especially if it’s only worth a few marks. Move on, then come back to it later if you have time.
It helps to put a star * next to the questions you want to come back to so that you don’t miss any when you look back through the paper at the end.

7. If You Still Don’t Know the Answer When You go Back – Guess!
If you give no answer at all, you get no marks at all.
Even if you’re not sure, you may as well write something. This is especially true for multiple choice, or questions where you can choose your answer from a list of suggestions – Use a process of elimination - Rule out the ones you know are wrong to narrow down the possiblilties, then pick one of the answers that’s left – You might be lucky!

8. If the Question Says Explain This AND That, Your Answer Should Include This AND That.
This type of question normally carries higher marks, so they’re worth getting right! If you give the most detailed and accurate explanation of ‘This’ in the entire universe, but forget to mention ‘That’, you will limit the number of marks that you can be awarded (see 1 - RTBQ!)

9. Don’t Scribble Answers Out.
It’s better to have some kind of answer than no answer at all (see 7).
If you cross out your answer, but don’t write anything else, the examiner can give you marks for the crossed out stuff (if it’s even partially right)… But only if they can still read it! Use  a singe line to cross answers out instead of scribble!
For long answers (6 mark Qs for GCSE Science for instance) don’t even put a line through the stuff you think is wrong… leave it there… If it’s not crossed out, the examiner has to read it, and if it contains something worthy of credit they have to give you the marks. If you cross it out it can’t be given any credit even if it’s right!

10. Look Out for BOLD Text in the Questions.
The exam board are trying to help you by putting words in bold – It’s their way of showing you that the information is important!
They often use it for instructions about how to answer the questions – for example “Which two of these can be used to….” Don’t just pick one! (see 7 and 1 – RTBQ!)

… And Finally…
Examiners aren’t evil – They are trying to give you marks, not take them away, so stay calm, don’t panic, use your time well, and give it your very best shot!



P.P.P.S. RTFQ!! (my acronyms are getting angry now… but this is REALLY important!!)

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Budding Botanists and Future Engineers

The week before last was a busy one for my alter-ego “Dr D” with two very different events on two consecutive days.
On Tuesday I spent the day at The Collection museum in Lincoln… Maybe not the most obvious place to find a scientist, but the Family Fun Day that the museum were running was designed to link in with their temporary exhibit about Joseph Banks.
Banks was a botanist who collected and catalogued many new plant species whilst on his voyage on the Endeavour, and one of the ways in which Banks classified these new species was to look at the structure of their flowers.
We all love flowers… They’re visually attractive, they smell nice, they make people happy when given as a gift… But what are they actually for?
Well, flowers are actually the plants way of reproducing!
In a series of workshops I showed children and their families what each of the parts of a flower is for (not just the pretty petals, but the male and female reproductive parts as well) by doing a flower dissection. We also looked at some pollen at 200 times magnification using my mini microscope.
Once the children had learned about the different parts of the flower they made some wonderfully colourful, and scientifically accurate, paper flowers… We had stamen made out of cotton buds, pistils made out of pipe-cleaners, egg-box sepals, and stems made from straws… There was such a lot of creativity on show it was wonderful!

Then, on Wednesday, I had been invited to attend an open evening for the new University Technical College which will be opening in Lincoln in September 2014.
I wasn’t quite sure what to expect, but I went along to the Engineering Hub at the University of Lincoln, carrying my rucksack full of science demo’s, and had a really entertaining and interesting evening!
The audience at the UTC event were older that the children I’d been working with the previous day, as most were considering attending Lincoln UTC, which will provide specialist education for 14-18 year olds who want to study science and Engineering subjects.
As well as staff from the UTC itself, and their partner organisations The University of Lincoln and Siemens, there were a wide range of other employers in attendance. The idea of the event was to highlight the different career possibilities that Science and Engineering qualifications can lead to, and the different companies and organisations who will be involved in providing training to UTC students.
As my career path within the world of science has been what might be described as “unconventional” my discussions with prospective students and their parents were a little different to those going on around me with representatives of larger companies!
Being based in a room with the RAF, NHS and RPC Plastics made my table full of apparently random household items look a bit chaotic compared to their very professional displays, but I still had quite a lot of interest.
I decided that the best way to ‘pitch’ my role was as an example of how varied careers in the sciences can be and tried to highlight the importance of effective Science Communication to these aspiring scientists and engineers of the future. I tried to get across the idea that a career in science can be very rewarding, even if it isn’t the career you originally intended!
I e-mailed the Vice-Principal of the UTC to thank him for inviting me to attend a few days later, and had a lovely reply from him saying “It was a pleasure to meet you last Wednesday – I am always pleased to meet another keen scientist!”… I’m glad that my enthusiasm shone through… To be honest I find it hard to hide my passion for Science, so it’s not really a surprise!

As well as making some valuable contacts at the UTC I also had interest from some local schools and businesses, and have raised awareness of the fact that Dr D’s Science Days is a local Lincolnshire company ready to provide entertaining science for any event…

What a fabulous week!!

Thursday, 2 January 2014

Scientific Adventures and Events of 2013: A Poetic Review!

At the start of 2013 I wrote a 'poetic review' of the previous year's highlights... now I've decided to make it an annual tradition! 

Having limited myself to one verse per month, there are several events which I had to miss out - Cheltenham Science Festival with the BBC was a highlight of 2013, as was my first corporate entertainment booking at Welbeck Abbey Brewery. Reaching 100 likes on the Facebook page was another milestone, and of course there were birthday parties, school visits, and the charity fundraiser when we celebrated a 'practice Christmas' in September!

It's been a cracker of a year, and 2014 promises to be even more special with several bookings already in the diary including my first gig as an entertainer at a wedding reception!

So, here it is, my edited highlights of 2013 in verse... Happy New Year!

The year started off with a poem,
A review of the twelve months just gone.
A record of all the places I’d been,
And all the fun science I’d done.

In February I learned new skills,
While improving my profile on-line.
With a STEM directories listing,
And an attempt at website design.

It was off to the Lincolnshire Showground
For a SoundLincs event in March,
While at college we did some dissection
Of a sheep’s lungs and heart.

In April, an opportunity
For my profile to be seen
By local schools and businesses
Thanks to Term Talk magazine.

May was manic at college
With coursework flooding in
As teaching sessions drew to a close
So the marking could begin.

In June I delivered some training
For teachers from primary schools
To prove science can be creative,
And that painting with plants is cool.
July brought us festival season.
The first “Funny as Folk” was a hit!
I entertained hundreds of people
With my science busking kit.

More CBBC fun in August
The Edinburgh fringe was the best!
Doing lots of exciting new demo’s
With Fran, John, Nate and the rest.

September saw a massive change.
My college days were done.
No more Biology lecturing.
A new phase had begun.
October was busy with Pumpkin Days
And an Expo for Molly’sGuide
And a visit to my old sixth form
To inspire about jobs that I’d tried.

Lots of trips to Theddlethorpe sand dunes
Meant November was a blast.
The kids learned all about plants and bugs,
And the folklore of the past.

So here’s to the end of another year,
One that’s been packed full of fun.
Let’s hope for more science and wonder
On our next orbit round the Sun!