
So, here I am, a 'Wandering Scientist'!
This wasn't really part of the plan if I'm honest.... When I was at school, and people asked what I wanted to do with my life, this would not have been the first thing on my list...... That said, neither would it have been the last thing on my list. At the time, I was not aware that there would be possibilities in the future to work in such a flexible way without having a "proper" job.
The purpose of this blog is to act as a vent for my frequent ramblings, to document the successes (and inevitable failures) of my progress starting out on this Freelancing adventure, and possibly to offer some insight to others who may be considering a similar non-conformist career path.

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Slow Progress....

OK, so I knew that there would be ups and downs with the whole freelance idea. However, after a brief spurt of activity, much optimism, and a feeling of finally moving forward at something of a pace, things seem to have ground to a halt!
I'm not one to be easily beaten, so I won't let these minor problems hinder me in the long term, but there are a few aspects of my freelancing adventure which I feel are worthy of mention at this juncture...

  • I am still awaiting any form of payment from one of the schools I have been working at since February (on the up side, I am now due 4 pay cheques at least as a combined lump sum..... sometime.... soon???...).
  • I have not been paid the promised £50 for one of my freelance writing jobs within the stated 21 working days, and on calling the company concerned was told that the person I had been dealing with no longer worked there.
  • The website I was so excited about is still nowhere near being in a state which can be used to advertise Dr D's as a professional business.
  • The summer holidays are rapidly approaching, at which point, all employment within schools and colleges vanishes for six weeks.
My intention with 'Wandering Scientist' was to share the successes and failures of my freelancing adventure, and the past few weeks seem to have been on somewhat of a down-turn, but I hope that others will take note of my cautionary tales, and learn from my experiences - the morals of my stories being: 
  • Plan for holiday time so that you have the funds available to enjoy the down-time!
Happy science-ing!


  1. Sorry to hear this, and one would think that people involved in public education would not act like those in the more dog-eat-dog public sector, but perhaps I'm naive. (Hell, I KNOW I'm naive, but I'm never sure WHEN, and there's the rub.)

    Do you have any friends named Vito (get my drift?) or perhaps a gigantic guy with a mohawk and tattoos all over him named "Tiny" who might perhaps have a "word" with those who owe you money for your services?

    It's sad it had to come to this - you are a legitimate businesswoman concerned with the Minds of our Young - but someone may have to "sleep with the fishes" on this one.

    Or not. (Am I taking this too seriously?)

  2. "Tiny" must have done a really good job... Shame I had to pay him £50, but then, as you say, it's a dog eat dog world, and even 'heavies' have to earn a living!
